Friday, December 14, 2012


 On November 29th around  9:30 in the morning.  Mom quietly went to sleep and  returned to her Father in Heaven.  Donnie was with her went she passed away.  We didnt want her to be alone .    
 These are the little ones that belong to grandma.  Cute bunch of girls
 Sharon at the luncheon after. 
 Donnie enjoying the luncheon
Mom and dad together now.  Love you

Clayton turns 11

 Can we get more layed back for your birthday.  I guess turning 11 wears you out.  Just kidding. He is really growing up,.  So proud of you Clayton. Tristen has to watch and make sure there isnt anything he would like in Claytons presents...Oh yeah there was.  The middle picture is at Thanksgiving.  He is really getting tall.  Love you lots Clayton

Saturday, December 1, 2012


 Heather and mom at Canterbury
 Hadley at Canterbury the last time they got to go see her.
 Heather mom and Hadley at Canterbury
 Me and mom and Hadley and MaKenna
 Clayton and Mom and Crystal and Tristen and Jalen when mom was in the nursing home in Payson
 Xander and Mom
 DONNIE  Xander and Mom at Canterbury
Mom and Dad started all of this.  We love you both very much and are going to miss you both very much but I know you had a wonderful reuinion.  We love you


 On November 29 th at 9:30 in the morning.  My mother slowly drifted off to sleep  and went to be with my dad,  She has missed him terribly since he died 6 years ago so now mom is with him  She lived in Utah at Canterbury Assisted Living and they were very good to her.  We will miss you mom.
 Thanksgiving and Donnies with Kimm and Richard and Mom
 Mom with Xander
 Crystal and Me and Kim with mom when she was in the nursing home in Payson.
Heather Jamie and Kim with mom at the park across the street from Canterbury.