Saturday, August 27, 2011

Payson's JV

Here is our Jalen...#43....on the sidelines waiting his turn to go in and play. Unfortunately Payson lost by one point. It was a good game though. Good job...Payson

Jalen is the one on the far left. Cant see much of him

This could be the play that Jalen recovers a fumble. he was surprised with himself when he came up with the ball.

Payson's kids watching a play...#43....

Number 43...that is our Jalen...waiting to go in

Friday, August 19, 2011


Guess what Jalen got for his birthday. Yep....his drivers license. He was so happy. There is kind of a grin there. He says he is smiling on the inside. Cant believe we have a 16 year old grandson. Very proud of you Jalen..

Of course he had to have something to drive so this was his present. Pretty cool huh. You look so so grown up. Be careful. We love you

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bear Lake

We had a wonderful day at Bear Lake. We ended up on the North Beach because where we usually go they were having the triatholon and there would have been a million people there. We had a good time though. No shade, but we did have a table. Russ always says he is never in any of the pictures, so here is proof. I do feel bad though cuz Jamie isnt in any of these. I dont know why. Sorry kiddo.....

Mr. Quinton getting ready to hit the waves. he wasnt quite sure if he wanted to or not. Kinda cold.

Xander was trying to catch...something...water in a whole they had dug....something...I think he had a good time too.

Trinity was buried in the sand just as we were getting ready to go. She didnt mind other than when it started getting in her mouth.

It was probably warm in the sand. She is quite the character. She likes doing that kind of stuff. Seems to me that she did that lst year when we went.

Crystal and her sunbathing. She ended up with red legs. Tristen is really enjoying it huh.

Bill had to carry Xander out into the water cuz he didnt like in the water. It was a little bit cold, but I think it was the waves that was scaring him.

He did get in the water, but not for very long.

This is either Tristen being really cool and not wanting his picture taken or he wanted everyone to see his Ragnar hat. Which is it Tristen.......

Quinton had fun playing in the sand. Bill's brother and his girlfriend came too and they had their kids so Quinton had fun playing with them.

Clayton was being a big help and blowing up the floaties for the other kids.

Like the hair Trin....Very cute. Kinda serious though. She was also helping with blowing up the floaties.

 day....Thanks everyone for a fun day. We missed having Heather and her family and Kim and her family. Maybe next year. Love my family

Monday, August 8, 2011


Jalen...First grandson...he is the oldest of our nine grandkids. He will be 16 in August of 2011

Trinsten..number two grandkid....he is now 14

Bryson is number 3....sorry this is sideways. Computer silly...couldnt figure out how to change. Anyway...Bryson is 10 years old

Trinity is number four. She is also 10 years old.

Hadley is number five grandkid. She will be 10 in October

Clayton is number six on the grandkid line. he will also be 10 in December

Quinton is number seven on the lineup. He is 7

MaKenna jo is number eight on the lineup. She is also 7. She is also Americas Next Top Model...she said

Xander is number nine on the list of grandkids. Arent they just the cutest things there are. Russ and I are very blessed to have these strong , healthy, wonderful grandkids.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Pig Wrestling????

Ok, so we have these four cute little girls all dressed in pink and wanting to do something fun. Hadley is the one on the far right. Well, they decided to call themselves the PINK LADIES and what did they decide to do.....go PIG WRESTLING. This is the before shot......

This is after the pig was put in his bucket. Hadley is now second from the left. They had a ball. worse part was the fire truck hosed them off when they were done. They are already planning for next year. Who would have thought...My granddaughter. Then again...she is a very all around girl.....Love ya..Hadley

Our football player

This is our manly football player. We are so proud of you Jalen. You are quite the young man. he has been very dedicated on all of his training and practices. Everyday....We werent sure if he was going to get to play or not because he went to scout camp and was being a kid and jumped off a cliff into some water and I guess jumped to close to the water and hit his shin and put a gash in it. He said his knee was hurting. He is up and going again though, so all is good. Love my grandkids

This one is one where jalen had gotten some of his equipment and was trying things on. Cool dude.

This is Jalen...ha ha...he shrunk....This is kenna jo trying on Jalens stuff. You never know...someday she might be a big player...Yeah right.

This is actually him all suited up and Im sure rareing to go. Im glad he gets to play. He has worked hard and put a lot of time and energy into doing this. He said he is a linebacker....

Granddog sitting...

Shane and Crystal and the boys went on vacvation. They went to Las Vegas and on to California so we got to watch Lady. She was very easy to take care of. She slept most of the time. She is a good dog. She was very happy when they showed up home last night.

For some reason all the dogs love grandpa. No matter where he goes or what he does he usually has all the dogs around him. I can be sitting on the couch and have all three and as soon as he comes in and sits in his chair..I dont matter any more. It is cute they way they go to him.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fun times

Jamie and Bill have to redo their bathroom and so they needed help with the kids. Quinton did not want to come with us so we took Xander and Trinity and went to the carnival in Evanston. Xander wasnt sure about getting on the ride at first but then he had a ball. Didnt want to get off after.
This ride was one that he really wasnt sure of. he really clung to big sister. He stayed on it and never did cry though.

He is quite the driver. he was really into it now. Trinity almost doesnt fit in it. Glad we got to help a little bit. They did get some of the bathroom done with us being out of the house. Glad we could help.