Grandma got to have the company of Jalen sitting beside her. She seemed to really like the dog too. Lucy sure liked her. Mom kept feeding her. Im surprised the dog didnt puck that night. All in all it was a very good time. Thanks Kim and Richard for having us come down and having grandma there. Love you all

Too much Turkey...Kim did a great dinner. Richard looks like he has had to much...funny

Look at the arms on this kid. They are huge. Jalen is really quite the man. he is driving and does so much for his family. What a help he is when Richard is working and Kim has her classes. You dont find to many youg teenagers that are willing to watch their brother and sister. Very proud of you Jalen.

I was kind of shocked when I saw Bryson. he has gotten so much taller than i remember. I guess it has been awhile since we have been down there. Fun time with him . he is such a thinker.

Kenna says that she want to be a model. She is there. She loves to pose for pictures. What a cutie she is. We had a good time with her also.

Mom and Russ at kim's house. Had a good time.
Looks like a fun Thanksgiving Holiday. Wish we could have been there.