Russ and I got to go down to Crystal and Shanes and Tristens' and Claytons for Christmas dinner. What a wonderful time. They did a very good job. it was nice to have somewhere to go. Their tree was decorated very pretty. All westerny.

The meal was very tasty. They fixed ham and potatoes and rolls and salad and corn and green bean casserole. Very very tasty...

This was our cooks. The work together well. Teamwork always does good.

By the looks of Clayton I think maybe he got up a little early. i think he said he finally went to sleep around 1:00 and then Tristen had them up at 6:00. Not much sleep, but oh the excitement of Christmas.

Tristen looks a little sleepy too. of course its like pulling teeth to get Tristen to smile so this isnt to bad.

Clayton was showing grandpa the things that everyone got. Quite the pile. i think they were all spoiled. Nice to be able to have the things we have.

This is our Christmas tree. it looks very beautiful and was a joy to turn on every morning and eveery evening and enjoy the colors and joy that it brings. Cant believe that Christmas has come and gone already. Tiem goes by way to fast. Thank you to all of our girls and their families for all that they do for us. We love them all very much and we are proud of each and everyone of them. Merry Christmas to all in 2010.....
It was fun to have you and dad down to our house. I enjoyed hosting the dinner this year. I am very thankful for the tender feelings I have for you both and felt very blessed to have you come to our house this year for Christmas. We might just have to make that a yearly tradition!!!