and C 130 flying over to put it out. So the next morning they get up and there is no smoke so they decide to head to Wheatland to get Chad's truck which was being worked on. Well halfway to town Heather gets the call on her cell phone that they are on pre-evacuation. So they went to Laramie and a friend took Chad to Wheatland to get his truck and Heather went home to start packing up stuff. This was around 10:00 in the morning. Heather started getting security box and important papers and all the pictures off her walls. Chad got home around 4:00 and Heather went down to the friends house that she skydived with to give them a thank you card and when she got there the people were clearing out their home. Heather said...ah...what are you doing. They said they had a friend who was a fireman and they were next on the list to evacuate. They were on their way to town. Heather ran home and soon all those people came and helped them load up all their house into Chads big trailer. Thosr people left at 6:00 and Heather and Chad got the call to evacuate and head to Laramie to the fairgrounds. They were told to stay calm.
As they were leaving Heather said the smoke was very think and burning their eyes. They shut off the propane tank and headed out. At the top of the hill looking back you could see the flames coming over the hill. She didnt know if that would be the last time they would see their home or not. Very unreal. They took the trailer into town and had friends that let them park it there. They had another friend that had an empty house that they were able to stay in. They had to go to the fairgrounds and check in so that they could keep track of where families were. They had update meetings every day at 10:00 at the fairgrounds. I went down to help be a little bit of moral support.
Very unreal. They were evacuated on July first and was able to return home on July 4th. What a way to spend the 4th of July. This is one that they will always remember.
This was driving back to Jelm. They didnt even know those old cars were even in the willows. It looked like a war zone as you were driving through. It came right next to the road. This is actually a spot where the fire jumped the road.
The firefighters were abolutely amazing. Cant thank them enough for all that they did for the community and the town. They worked very hard. Heather said they thought they would be evacuated for at least 3 weeks and here it was just a few days. Great men and women.
Hadley made a thank you sign for the firemen because they were based at the Landing just at the cafe where you enter. This is the owner and a volunteer fireman.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for coming down. It really ment a lot to us and really helped! It was such a comfort having you here. Thank you for keeping me grounded and for listening. I love you!