We went to Laramie for Hadleys birthday and basketball game. This is Shelby and Hadley before the game. They both did very well. They are both going to be on a traveling basketball team that will travel to Colorado to play schools down there. Hadley is very excited about that. She loves her basketball

One of these days Im going to figure out how to fix these pictures. I did rotate...but as you see it didnt rotate. Anyway
...Hadley is not10 years old. She is as tall as I am. Of course that isnt very tall..Ha Ha. She is really growing up.

Bell if hopeing that there is something for her but there wasnt. She can always hope i guess.

Goofy girl

Grandkids are growing up way to fast. These first 10 years went by very fast. The next 10 will probably fly by to with as busy as she is. Enjoy your youth......Love you Hadley. Im glad we got to come down.
Thank you so much for coming down, it ment so much to Hadley. Thank you for making her birthday special.