We had a wonderful day at Bear Lake. We ended up on the North Beach because where we usually go they were having the triatholon and there would have been a million people there. We had a good time though. No shade, but we did have a table. Russ always says he is never in any of the pictures, so here is proof. I do feel bad though cuz Jamie isnt in any of these. I dont know why. Sorry kiddo.....

Mr. Quinton getting ready to hit the waves. he wasnt quite sure if he wanted to or not. Kinda cold.

Xander was trying to catch...something...water in a whole they had dug....something...I think he had a good time too.

Trinity was buried in the sand just as we were getting ready to go. She didnt mind other than when it started getting in her mouth.

It was probably warm in the sand. She is quite the character. She likes doing that kind of stuff. Seems to me that she did that lst year when we went.
Crystal and her sunbathing. She ended up with red legs. Tristen is really enjoying it huh.

Bill had to carry Xander out into the water cuz he didnt like in the water. It was a little bit cold, but I think it was the waves that was scaring him.

He did get in the water, but not for very long.
This is either Tristen being really cool and not wanting his picture taken or he wanted everyone to see his Ragnar hat. Which is it Tristen.......

Quinton had fun playing in the sand. Bill's brother and his girlfriend came too and they had their kids so Quinton had fun playing with them.
Clayton was being a big help and blowing up the floaties for the other kids.
Like the hair Trin....Very cute. Kinda serious though. She was also helping with blowing up the floaties.

Tristen.....Shane....Clayton...fun day....Thanks everyone for a fun day. We missed having Heather and her family and Kim and her family. Maybe next year. Love my family
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