On June 11th, we went to Evanston to watch Quinton play one of his soccer games. He did a really good job. He loves the game. It was kind of warm out so it was hard to run but he did a great job.

You can always pick Quinton out of a group because of that terrific grin that he has. I love his smile. What a great kid. Awesome job...Quinton

Can we say...M & M's are great...We had to keep Xander occupied. he would much rather have been out on the field with the kids. When he was out of his stroller he would run onto the field. What a funny boy. He has such a great personality.

Trinity wasnt so sure that she wanted to be there. She would have rather been home in bed. She stayed up late with her daddy to watch a movie. Now she is paying for it. Bright sun doesnt help either. Way to go Trin. But, it was fun staying up with daddy.
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