This is mom and dad after the big party...whew....takes alot to entertain a bunch of little kids. You did a good job though. After we did this we endt to the Spaghetti Fac
tory for lunch. MaKenna picked the place. good choice. They sang to her at the factory too. Great day. Hard to believe she is six though. 
Besides being a big help at the party, Bryson is also a ham...likes showing off. Way to go Bryson...

PRESENTS......she got a Hello Kitty scooter. She was very excited. All pink..She is ALL GIRL....

After jalen got up and decided to join the group, this is how he spent his time. He does a good job at bouncing.......You are growing way to fast Jalen.

This is some of Richards handy work. Good job Richard.

Richard is the artist. he got to paint their faces. he did a good job.

Cute bunch of kids. They are waiting to actually plant their flowers in the pots the decorated. Great idea

Our dear little Makenna turned six. it was cute. Kim and Richard went to alot of work. They did pin the bumblebee on the flower, which Bryson was in charge of. They are painting flower pots right here.
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