This is what they get to look at and enjoy at night. heather feeds them and calls them in and they all come running in. So relaxing to wtch them. Had a wondHeHrful ti

Hadley is just an all around girl. She goes from school program , to bowling in a tournament to coming home and helping the neighbors with their chickens. She is not afraid of them at all. She also has her own pink B B gun. What a girl...

We spent the weekend in Laramie. We left Thursday afternnon so we could make it down to see Hadley in her school program. It was very cute. Hadley really loves to perform. Then on Friday Hadley went to school and Heather took the day off and we went shopping. We had a lot of fun. On Saturday, hadley had a bowling tournament in Cheyenne. She did pretty good for her first tournament. Very proud of her.
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