Heather Hadley and Chad could not make it to Thanksgiving. They ended up going to the ranch where Chad helped build the party house. It is a beautiful place and they are invited to join in the fun every year. We missed having them with us though. We understand but we still missed them

This is the day after Thanksgivng. Jamie and her family came over for lunch. It was fun to have them and also Crystals family. Heather and her family could not make it. We sure missed having everyone here. It would have been fun to have them all together.

The men of the house had to watch football for Thanksgiving. They do that so well. Bryson went back and forth from football to helping in the kitchen.

Bryson was helping in the kitchen. He had to take an orange juice break.
He worked really hard you know.

Kenna Jo was making the sweet potatoes. She was enjoying herself. I have become a big fan of sweet potatoes ever since going to Heather's and they took us to Cheyenne for dinner and I got a sweet potatoe instead of a regular potatoe and it was wonderful. So now that is the best.