This is a picture a year ago because Xander is just a baby, but for now this is the picture I have of Russ., He doesnt like his picture taken for one thing. Anyway...since December of 2010 he has not felt good. he has had a very bad cough. he just hasnt felt good. Now on March 21, 2011 we took him to the ER in Evanston to have his foot checked cuz he thought he had gout which he does but he also has heart problems. He was sent to Salt Lake to the Riverton Hospital to have an echo done. They found that he has a blood clot on his heart where there was damage from the heart attack back in 1995. They put him on blood thinner medicine along with other meds to try and dissolve the clot. he just doesnt feel good right now. His leg is also getting swollen. I dont know if it is heart related or medicine side affects. Dang anyway.