We went to Evanston last Saturday to spend the day with Jamie and Bill and the kids. Quinton turned six and we took them out to eat. He picked JB's to go eat at. It was fun spending the day with them. After all he got he said, so where is my card? I said...card? He said yeah there is no money....What a funny kid. Loved being there. Hope he had a great birthday.

Isnt this a cute picture. it is definately our Quinton. Such a ham. It must run in the family.

Quinton wanted pictures of all of his presents. Every time he opened a gift he would hold it up and wait until we took the pictures. What a funny boy.

Trinity is such a big sister. She is also such a ham. She is very dramatic in all her actions. Love her to pieces. She really helps take care of her brothers.

This is a good picture of grandpa and Xander. Kind of blcoked out Xanders face but you can still see him.

Xander is now 5 months old. He actually liked me this time. He is such a cutie